Thursday, 31 March 2011

You are New to Play Magic the Gathering Cards –Understand the Game Rules

 The Magic: The Gathering is very popular modern collectible card game play nearly six million players in over seventy countries. This game is having the extremely detailed and at times complex rules. Most importantly the basic understanding of the rules is necessary to play the game. The most important rule is that if the text on a card contradicts a game rule, the card text always takes precedence; making it a highly challenging and intricate game. Magic cards can be valuable due to their rarity and utility in game play.The basically the magic game can easily play by two or more players each using a deck of printed cards  you can also play the online magic : the gathering game by using a deck of virtual cards through the Internet and also by third-party programs . To start the game both of you needs at least sixty cards, each player uses his or her own deck to play the game. In most formats, a deck must have a minimum of 60 cards; there is no maximum deck size. With the exception of basic lands, only four cards with the same name can be in a deck.

Every card is located in one of the following "zones":

Library: A player's deck. These cards are kept face down and randomly ordered (shuffled) to begin the game.

Hand: A player's hand of cards that can be played. They are kept hidden from other players.

Battlefield: Most cards need to enter the battlefield to have an effect in the game. Unlike other zones, the battlefield is shared by all players.

Graveyard: A player's discard pile. When a card on the battlefield is destroyed, a card is discarded from hand, or after a single-use card is used, it is put in its owner's graveyard.

The stack: This is the place for cards that have been cast, but have not yet resolved. While on the stack, they are called "spells." This zone is also shared by all players

Exile: Cards that have been exiled by a certain effect wind up here. Unless a card says otherwise, cards in this zone are face-up.

Command: Used mainly in some variant formats of play, cards that have a special status or abilities within the game are kept here

Rules of the games:-

At the starting of the game the cards will be shuffled. Each of the players will then draw an opening hand of 7 cards from his deck. The reason for this is to ensure that you avoid one person getting only the strong cards, which would make him or her easily win the game. The rest of the decks become place where you will draw pile, aka library. Near this library is a graveyard, also known as the discard pile. A small number of your cards can move to your opponent instead. . Each of the players must know how to keep the scores. Of you are more than two, you can use a pen or dice to record the scores.

A player wins the game by eliminating all opponents. Players begin the game with 20 lives and lose when they have 0 or fewer life. Additionally, if a player is required to draw a card but has no cards left in his or her library, he or she loses. Also, if a player receives 10 poison counters, he or she loses. Specific cards may also dictate (or prevent) other ways of winning or losing the game.

By random means, determine who will get the choice. If you are lucky to get the choice, you can either choose to draw first or to ply first, this is according to you. If you ply first, you take first turn of the magic the gathering game. This will mean you will not draw the card. But if you drawl first, you get second turn of game and you thus have an opportunity of drawing a card

Types of Magic the Gathering Cards -Know Complete Meaning of it.

If you are the passionate player and collector of the Magic the Gathering card game the it is very  it is very important to know the actual meaning of each cards to win the game and play successfully. If you are eager to know the types and meaning of the cards it is sometimes difficult to understand and identify the actual card and their purpose and to identify which set MTG cards comes from.In Magic the Gathering, there are five mana colors of Magic which are in respect to five types of basic lands.  Mountain gives Red Manna, Forest gives Green Mana, Swamp gives Black Mana, Island gives Blue Mana and Planes gives White Mana.

Types of  magic cards:-

There are many different card types: Artifact, Basic, Creature, Enchantment, Instant, Land, Legendary, Plane, Planes walker, Snow, Sorcery, Tribal, World, etc. Also, every card can be categorized as a land or spell and a permanent or nonpermanent.

•    Lands:-

Land is one of the most basic card types. Lands are the base for magic, because they are used to produce the magic energy of mana at no cost other than tapping. Land cards tap to produce mana that is used to cast spells and activate abilities. They cost no mana to play. Land is permanent.  You can play a land during your main phases while the stack is empty. Lands are not spells and cannot be countered. Lands are colorless, regardless of what colors of mana they may produce. are allowed to have any number of basic lands in a deck,

•    Creature:-

Creatures represent people or beasts that are summoned to the battlefield to attack opposing players and defend their controller from the attacks of enemy creatures. You can summon a creature to fight for you. Creatures are permanent. Creatures have two values that represent their strength in combat, printed on the lower right-hand corner of the card. The first number is the creature's power, the amount of damage it deals in combat. The second number is its toughness; if it receives that much damage in a single turn, the creature is destroyed and placed in the graveyard.

•    Enchantments:-

Enchantment is one of the card type in Magic: the Gathering. Enchantments are magic effects that have a permanent effect on the game. There are two types of enchantments: Global enchantments and local enchantments. An enchantment is a permanent spell.  It is stable. A special kind of enchantment is Aura.  It attaches to a permanent and has its effect on the permanent. Enchantments represent persistent magical effects; they are spells that remain on the battlefield and alter some aspect of the game.

•    Artifacts:-

An artifact is a magical object.  It is permanent which means it stays and affects the game. A special kind of artifact is Equipment. Equipment can be attached to one of your creatures to give it advantages. . Like enchantments, artifacts remain on the battlefield until something removes them. Many artifacts are also creatures; artifact creatures may attack and block as other creatures, and are affected by anything that affects either artifacts or creatures.

•    Planeswalker

Planeswalkers are permanents. Planeswalkers' abilities are based on their loyalty,  Planeswalkers can be very complicated to use but they can also be very powerful.  The first thing you need to know about planeswalkers are their loyalty counters which is represented by the number on the lower right-hand corner of the card. planeswalkers are neither creatures nor players, so most spells and abilities cannot target them directly

•    Sorceries and instants

Sorceries and instants both represent one-shot or short-term magical spells. They never enter the battlefield. Sorcery means a magical spell. Sorceries and instants differ only in when they can be cast Sorceries may only be cast during the player's own main phase, and only when the stack is empty. Instants, on the other hand, can be cast at almost any time, including during other players' turns and while another spell or ability is waiting to resolve

Thursday, 17 March 2011

Rules for playing Magic Cards

Rules for Getting Started

There are rules you need to know as you try to begin playing the game. First all, it's good for you to know brief information about the game. Magic the Gathering is an interactive trading card game created by Richard Garfield with the production coming from the Wizard of the Coast. Players in the game represent powerful wizards battling each other with diverse range of overwhelming spells.
Usually, two players begin with 20 life each. You win in the game if your opponent's life total drops down to 0 or less. You also win if your opponent can no longer draw cards.
When beginning the game, each player needs at least 60 cards to work with. Each player also needs large flat area like a table for laying out the cards. Players also need to record their scores on a platform. You can use a dice, or pen and paper.

Zendikar Magic Cards

Magic card sites offer thousands of standard Type magic cards ranging from Scars of Mirrodin back to the Alara block. The Gathering set brings several cards that players will play with time and time again. Many cards in new sets might reach unbelievable secondary market values due to their necessity in the latest Standard deck, however their price quickly falls after the set rotates from play.  Contrary to popular belief, not every must own card is an expensive rare – some are common and uncommon.

Here are five Zendikar Magic Cards You Should Own – Magic cards that you can feel safe purchasing or trading for because you will use them time and again for many years to come.

1. Spell Pierce
2. Day of Judgment
3. Cancel
4. Trusty Machete
5. Arid Mesa